MS Bonsu Farms provides tractor services and agro-inputs to more than 1,700 smallholder farmers in the Mion District. The company has also received credit from Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Limited to support an additional 1,300 out-growers (62% women) with ploughing services, certified seeds and fertiliser to increase production of maize, rice and soybean over a three-year period. MS Bonsu joined the MADE programme in 2017, and in 2018 aggregated 237.5 MT of produce (183.6 MT of maize; 24.4 MT of rice; and 29.5 MT of soybean).
MADE interventions
- Recruited, trained and deployed seven Farm Enterprise Advisors (FEAs) and one FEA manager.
- Facilitated formalised commercial partnerships between MS Bonsu and Wumpini Limited, and Kataumi Taumi Company Limited.
- Facilitated a collaboration between MS Bonsu and Sinapi Aba Savings and Loans Limited.
- Introduced the Advanced Model, which enabled MS Bonsu to offer a bundle of inputs and services to smallholder farmers.
- Increased smallholder farmer outreach from 1,630 in 2017 to 1,720 in 2019.
- Increased outreach to female smallholders.
- Increased understanding among farmers on how to improve their agricultural methods.
- Increased smallholder farmers’ access to inputs on credit.
- Increased yields for smallholder farmers, by an average of 35% for maize, 33% for rice and 31% for soybean, between 2017 and 2019.