Seyan Enterprise


Seyan Enterprise is an agribusiness that retails agro-inputs. The enterprise also grows maize seed on 80 acres, soybean on 80 acres and supports 620 out-growers (of whom 40% are women) in soybean production. Each farmer cultivates at least 3 acres. The company operates across two districts and provides tractor services and farm inputs, such as seeds and fertilisers, to its out-growers. Seyan Enterprise sells seed to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and is seeking to join the Ghana Commodity Exchange to trade grain. The company joined the MADE programme in 2015, and in 2018 aggregated 1,360MT of produce. 

MADE interventions

  • Introduced the Advanced Business Model, which enabled Seyan to offer bundles of inputs and services to smallholder farmers. 
  • Recruited, trained and deployed two Farm Enterprise Advisors to offer advice and information to help farmers increase production. 
  • Facilitated a commercial partnership with Duri Farms: Duri provides ploughing services and warehousing and Seyan supplies inputs in return.
  • Enabled an informal relation between Seyan and Antika Company Limited, which provides inputs and a seed-cleaning service.  
  • Negotiated a GHS50,000 loan for Seyan through Sinapi Aba at a 45% interest rate.


  • Increased smallholder farmer outreach from 200 in 2017 to nearly 620 in 2019 
  • Increased understanding among farmers of how to improve their agricultural methods. 
  • Increased smallholder farmers access to inputs and services on credit.  
  • Raised soybean yields for smallholder farmers between 2017 and 2019 from 4 to 8 bags (100kg) per acre. 
  • Facilitated timely application of inputs: fertiliser, weedicides and pesticides. 
  • Improved financial forecasting and planning for smallholders.

Contact information

Business name: Seyan Enterprise
Address: P.O. Box 21, Wa
Region: Upper West
Contact person: Nathan Biassey
Job title: CEO
Phone: 050 547 4834 / 024 495 8935

Products and services

Products: cereals, legumes
Agricultural inputs: fertiliser, pesticide, seeds
Crop services: mechanisation
Farm advisory services: good agricultural practices

The information in this profile has been gathered from the agribusiness enterprise.
Profile updated: October 2020.