Agriaccess Ghana Limited


Agriaccess produces and aggregates agricultural commodities from smallholder farmers for processing industries. It is the largest aggregator and supplier of sorghum to Guinness Ghana Breweries Limited. The company also supplies maize, groundnut and soybean to organisations like the Ghana Poultry Farmers Association, Oseboba Company Limited, Kedan Limited, Project Peanut Butter and exporters like Sunshine Commodities. The company distributes drip irrigation equipment and provides its out-growers with agro-inputs and services such as seed cleaning. Agriaccess works with 3,600 smallholder out-growers (40% women) in six districts. It joined the MADE programme in 2018 and in that year aggregated 4,500 MT of sorghum.

MADE interventions

  • Recruited, trained and deployed six Farm Enterprise Advisors (FEAs) and one FEA manager.
  • Provided training on business management and development for one Agriaccess manager through the Empretec programme of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
  • Facilitated formal commercial partnerships between Agriaccess Limited and Farmer Pride and Big Ajar Farms.
  • Introduced the Advanced Model, which enabled Agriaccess to offer a bundle of inputs and services to smallholder farmers.


  • Improved rate of recovery of input support from farmers by 50%.
  • Increased smallholder farmers’ access to inputs and services on credit.
  • Increased smallholder farmers’ access to irrigation facilities.
  • Increased understanding among farmers on quality control tests, crop grading and standards including aflatoxin control.
  • Raised yields for smallholder farmers from an average of 600 kg per acre to 800 kg, between 2017 and 2019.

Contact information

Business name: Agriaccess Ghana Limited
Address: Wa
Region: Upper West
Contact person: Anthony Poore
Job title: CEO
Phone: 020 351 3845 / 020 807 2790

The information in this profile has been gathered from the agribusiness enterprise.
Profile updated: October 2020.